CPE + Events Catalog
Not-for-Profit Knowledge Network: Policies & Procedures to Prevent Pitfalls (1 hour - morning) - Webcast
1.0 Credits
OSCPA Members: One hour FREE CPE offered at each knowledge network! The OSCPA Not-for-Profit Knowledge Networks offer a great opportunity to explore important not-for-profit topics in one-hour informal discussions with experts and peers - and to obtain valuable CPE. Developed by OSCPA Not-for-Profit Strategic Committee.
Not-for-Profit Knowledge Network: Benefits of Being a Board Member (1 hour - morning) - Webcast
1.0 Credits
OSCPA Members: One hour FREE CPE offered at each knowledge network! The OSCPA Not-for-Profit Knowledge Networks offer a great opportunity to explore important not-for-profit topics in one-hour informal discussions with experts and peers - and to obtain valuable CPE. Developed by OSCPA Not-for-Profit Strategic Committee.
Not-for-Profit Conference - Webcast
8.0 Credits
Member Price: $315
Learn about new developments and the latest topics of interest to CPAs and other accounting professionals in the not-for-profit sector. YELLOW BOOK: May qualify for Yellow Book CPE based on your unique audited entity. Registration Note: Individuals working at a nonprofit and who are not eligible to be an OSCPA member, are eligible for the member rate. To receive this rate, please call 503-641-7200 / 800-255-1470, ext. 3. Prefer to attend in-person at the Sheraton Hotel Portland Airport? Register to attend in-person! A special thanks to the members of the Not-for-Profit Strategic Committee for developing the 2025 Not-for-Profit Conference: Jennifer Perrier - Chair, Thomas Achor, Erica Aitken, Alexandra Aranda, Cynthia A. Barber, Cynthia P. Bartholomew, James H. Brinkman, Gerald W. Burns, Shirley D. Cyr, Christopher Dahlvig, Michael K. Farnsworth, Michelle J. Gall, Ian R. Gelfand, Todd D. Kimball, William S. Manne, Lorelei G. Martin, Gary N. McGee, Jason T. McGill, Ryan E. Miller, Sarah K. Moll, John Ng, Kristina L. Oliveira, Cheryl R. Olson, Jennifer Perrier, Russell D. Price, Robert M. Prill, Joseph Rosevear, Katie L. Sheffield, Mylen N. Shenker, Kathleen L. Sohl, Eugene L. Stewart, Brooke A. Stout, Sandra A. Suran, Suzanne B. Taylor and Kellie R. White. Thank you to our 2025 Gold Sponsors: CLA and YPTC!
Construction Industry Conference – Webcast
8.0 Credits
Member Price: $315
Learn about the latest challenges and solutions faced by the construction industry and the CPAs who work with them.