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Member Spotlight: Pedro Nunez Dieguez

June 26, 2023



Pedro Nunez Dieguez
People First Consulting LLC

Was it worth it to get your CPA credential?
Absolutely! Working in public accounting prior to starting my own business, my salary as a CPA was higher than non-CPA peers. Having the CPA credential while starting my own business was essential as it gave me more credibility to potential new clients. I am certain that without my CPA credential I would have had a harder time getting my business going and growing.

Who inspired you along the way?
There are two people that inspired me throughout my journey to becoming a CPA. One is my father, who worked primarily manual labor his whole life to raise me and my family. He had a work ethic and get-things-done attitude that I continue to strive for every day in all that I do. The second person is my sister, Carmen Nunez, who is also a CPA. She raised me when my parents had to work longer hours growing up and her work ethic much like my father's encouraged me to always complete my goals. She is the best goal setter and completionist I have ever met. When she sets her mind to completing a goal, she does not stop until it is done.

What do you love about your job?
For me in all aspects of my life I have always valued freedom above all else. To this end, the greatest thing I love about running my own business is the freedom and control I have over all the work that I do. I am blessed to be able to take on work that brings me joy. Being able to say no to work that I do not have the capacity or skill set for has been a blessing as well.

How has being an OSCPA member benefitted you?
When I first got my license, I learned about the OSCPA's mentoring program and I knew immediately that it was something I wanted to be a part of. Of course at the time you were required to have a certain number of years of experience to be a mentor, but that did not stop me from sending repeated e-mails to OSCPA staff inquiring about the program and when I could start participating. Through the mentoring program as well as serving on the board of the OSCPA, I have been fortunate to give back to the profession that has given me so many opportunities to serve.

What advice would you give a student who’s thinking about becoming a CPA?
Growing up I did not know any CPAs, or accountants for that matter. Seeing my sister as a first generation college graduate, becoming an accountant, and then becoming a CPA allowed me to realize that I could achieve greatness as well. This is the advice I would pass on to those interested, to never give up and to strive for greatness. To quote the often used Spanish affirmation "si se puede!"

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