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Introducing Nicole Palmateer Hazelbaker

July 18, 2023



Nicole Palmateer Hazelbaker 
OSCPA Legislative Counsel
Bravio Communications

As long-time OSCPA Legislative Counsel Rob Douglas began preparing for his retirement, he and OSCPA began working side-by-side with Nicole Palmateer Hazelbaker of Bravio Communications to smoothly transition Society advocacy activities. Nicole is a strategic communications expert with experience in government affairs, fundraising, campaign management and public relations.

She founded Bravio Communications in 2005 and serves a diverse client base in the financial, pharmaceutical, social, and human services, public safety, technology, and corporate interests. Nicole is known for her solid legislative relationships at the local, national, and federal levels. Whether the work demands passage or defeat of bills, appropriations, or coalition building, she advances her clients' agendas efficiently and effectively.

Welcome, Nicole!

Read about retiring OSCPA Legislative Counsel, Rob Douglas