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Member spotlight: Chris Dahlvig

January 17, 2023

Chris Dahlvig
Assistant Professor of Business
Linfield University, McMinnville
President, The OSCPA Educational Foundation

Was it worth it to get your CPA credential?
It sure was! Being a CPA has opened doors to new opportunities, expanded my list of professional contacts, and landed me in a profession I just absolutely love.

Who inspired you along the way?
My wife. We gave up Saturday morning coffee dates for 13 months and I missed out on a family Thanksgiving trip while I studied for the CPA exam, but I had her support the whole time. Also, many colleagues encouraged me and celebrated my progress with me. I am beyond grateful for all that support.

What do you love about your job at Linfield?
Students – I love those lightbulb moments when things start to click and I love the conversations that happen when a few of them get excited about making a career out of accounting. My fellow faculty and staff in the School of Business – they really are the best 15 people in the world to work with!

How has being an OSCPA member benefitted you?
For me, it’s about opportunities to pay it forward. I serve on the OSCPA Not-for-Profit Committee and The OSCPA Educational Foundation. This service honors my 25 years working in the nonprofit sector and my current role as an assistant professor here at Linfield.

What is the biggest piece of advice you give your accounting students?
Remember interviews are a two-way conversation. A significant part of your happiness and wellbeing comes from the culture you work in. I tell my students to apply at multiple firms or employers. Go into those interviews trying to figure out if the culture is a good fit for you. I’ve had great jobs and I’ve had horrible jobs, and the difference almost always came down to culture. You can be happy at work.