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Member Spotlight: Jamie Grassl

May 15, 2022




Jamie Grassl
Davis & Graves CPA LLP

Was it worth it to get your CPA credential?
Might need to ask me this question in a few years for a more accurate answer. It was an intense process that took the strength of myself, my family and co-workers, however at the end of it all I am grateful. It did open up some unexpected doors that I could never have dreamt up as a kid and that made the process worth it.

Who inspired you along the way?
Inspiration comes in various forms. Jerry Davis, CPA at my firm was pushing me along each step of the way. With he and the other partners supporting me through all the ups and downs of the process it gave me the motivation to succeed. That along with my husband. I would not have been able to make it without his support. He was my personal cheerleader and was able to support me through all the highs and lows. I cannot portray how much of my success is because of him.

What do you love about your job at Davis & Graves?
I have very much enjoyed working at Davis & Graves CPA. Over the last seven years it has become my second family and I very much appreciate the atmosphere. When I started here this destination was not the path I envisioned for myself. With the support I received to become the best me without limits created the environment for my success today.

How has being an OSCPA member benefitted you?
The OSCPA has been able to give me guidance throughout the CPA process. Access to the webinars and ability to utilize research about the testing process helped me better prepare.

What advice would you give to a new CPA?
Stick it out. The process is hard for a reason, it gives you the strength and determination you need as a CPA. Skills and lessons learned during the process of the exams will benefit you in your life and career.

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