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Organizational Effectiveness and Communication (1 hour) (NT)


(Check-In 6:30am)

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1.0 Credits

Member Price $39.00

Non-Member Price $59.00


When asked the question, “What would you like to improve about your leadership and communication style?” more than 65% of leaders say they want to be more confident and assertive in their communication. Confidence and clarity communicate leadership. If you are responsible for growing a profitable company or a productive team, you want team members who have the ability to reach goals, make sales, finish projects, and serve customers. Being a confident, compelling leader helps to inspire better relationships, promotes trust, and reduces stress in the workplace. Lack of confidence and assertiveness can lead to resentment, depression, low self-esteem, and loss of respect from colleagues and employers. Confident communication cultivates cooperation, goal achievement, and a more respectful work environment. Clear and compelling leaders are better equipped to move projects forward and make things happen while improving cooperation and respect from partners and subordinates.



Designed For

Leaders, Executives, Managers


What behaviors detract from the value that you bring to the table and negatively influence the respect your staff and colleagues have for you What your body language may be communicating about your overall confidence, capability, and self-assuredness More effective ways to communicate as a leader Skills to display and communicate confidence while inspiring trust and increasing credibility


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Non-Member Price $59.00

Member Price $39.00